5 Reasons Why You Should Be Using Video for Your Business

As the world becomes more global and digital technology becomes the norm, more businesses see the need to have a strong digital presence to stand out among the noise. The top way to do this is with video production in 2021. Having custom content that promotes your products, services, and business acumen is a pillar in digital marketing and advertising.

“85% of businesses use video as a marketing tool and 59% of non-video marketers expect to start leveraging it in 2021. Further, 92% of marketers who use video report it as an essential part of their strategy.”

– Explain Ninja

However, creating stellar video content for your business can be a daunting task which leaves you with many questions. How do I create good video content? How can video be used to advertise my business? Is video content worth the opportunity cost?

The short answers are, through trial and error, many different ways, and absolutely. The long answers are complex and require a certain level of technical understanding. So, with that being said, we will be focusing this article on the basics and keep it simple by learning how video can:

  1. Create a diverse library of content;
  2. Reduce your bounce rate;
  3. Capitalize on more media platforms;
  4. Leverage social media algorithms; and
  5. Do more with less.

Creating a Diverse Library of Content

A video is a powerful tool in marketing your business because it allows for versatility that other mediums may not. When it comes to your library of content, it is always better to have more than less. Having a good collection of assets is important for a business because it gives you options.

A diversity of content is key. Having a backup of photos that you can reuse for print material and blog posts, having a collection of informative white papers to share with your network as a thought-leader, and yes, having videos that inform, compel, and dazzle your clients.

By creating videos, you are giving your business yet another category of assets to work with and leverage in the future for a variety of opportunities and projects. This investment has a reputation of generating high returns on investment, such as reducing your website’s bounce rate.

How to Reduce Your Bounce Rate With Video

Bounce rate is a common term in internet marketing that measures when users come to a website and leave without performing a call to action (CTA). Website marketers attempt to keep their overall bounce rate below 50% as an industry rule of thumb. Therefore, marketers and businesses attempt to reduce their bounce rates by following industry best practices proven to keep users engaged. Studies show that video reduces a website’s bounce rate by over 30% making videos an effective and cost-efficient resource for maintaining a low bounce rate.

By adding a video to a webpage, not only do businesses keep their users engaged but they also offer another medium to their users to retain information. It is not entirely clear how many people can read and write but most people can watch or listen. The idea is function and form, how do I get my message to my audience in the best way possible? Often, the answer is a video which not only has the aforementioned benefits but also allows businesses to taker advantage of new platforms.

Capitalize on More Media Platforms With Video

It seems that there is a new media platform coming out every day, whether it’s the most popular social media app or a buzzing news outlet. What is common among these platforms is that they are all becoming increasingly tailored towards video.

In 2020, 92% of marketers say that video is an important part of their marketing strategy. This has grown from 78% in 2015, showing that the importance of video is only growing.

-Smart Insights

The current annual rate of growth for new video marketing software companies is 19.7%. This means that not only will the desire from consumers continue to rise but so will the video service options as well.

Leverage social media algorithms

Not only are there more platforms being developed daily that offer an opportunity to publish and share your video content but the most popular platforms that already exist are doubling down on the medium. In fact, social media giants, such as Instagram are now calling themselves video and entertainment platforms, as opposed to the photo-sharing hubs they came up as.

With the kings in the industry making this key pivot towards video content, it is more important ever than to get started with high quality video content now. Not only will the breadth of your viewership increase as your business spans a variety of platforms but the depth of your customer loyalty and interactions will improve as well, especially if you take advantage of common algorithms.

Do More With Less

As you’ve seen, video is a powerful tool that allows businesses to take advantage of new platforms, get their message across in a meaningful way, and reduce their consumer bounce rates. However, there is another key benefit to video and it is recycling. Yep, you read that right, recycling video.

Marketers feel more positive about the return on investment offered by video than ever, as it continues to strongly influence traffic, leads, sales, and audience understanding.


Video is powerful because when businesses hire a video professional that knows what they are doing, they often get access to a large library of interview clips, b-roll of offices and employees, product and video features, and more which can be recycled and edited into new and exciting content for a lower fee. This means that you can get industry-leading content that provides a high return on investment and can be used in a variety of creative ways to get the most out of your dollar.

Get in Touch With a Video Professional Today

We know that the world of video can be a little overwhelming at first and there is much to learn. This is why we take pride in offering free discovery calls for our clients to answer any questions they may have. Simply, get in touch with a contact form and one of our representatives will schedule a call with you at your convenience.

If you wish to learn more about video and photography services available, check out our service offering pages to get a jump start.

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