Video for value marketing

What Video Content Works Well for Value Marketing?

Until recently, the mantra for all businesses and marketing departments has been sell, sell, sell. However, this practice was more practical in the past when consumers only had tv and newspapers as mediums. This lack of mediums gave power to ads that simply highlighted a new and impressive feature or a slick slogan. Now, with a cellphone in everyone’s hand, YouTube traffic surging, and new social media or news outlets being launched daily, the selling mantra is dead.

With the right data, researchers are able to pinpoint meaningful relationships between a person’s values, behaviors, and psychological motivators. Values-based marketers can then turn this information into deeper insights that allow them to tailor their marketing strategy toward audiences of different values orientations, and craft content that will speak to customers at a level which resonates with their values and higher-order psychological needs. Which is exactly what the new customer in today’s marketplace is looking for.”


To try and build a following and buy ads on every medium is too time-consuming and expensive. Small and large businesses alike have had to rethink the approach and the answer is value marketing. Today we’re going to look at why values marketing is so important and why video is the cornerstone of new marketing strategies.

What is Value Marketing?

No longer is it adequate to simply offer a good product or service. Your business has to offer a valuable experience from the first touch to post-purchase engagement that resonates with your customer’s values. This, in its simplest form, is values marketing; an exercise of understanding what is important to your customers on a deeper level, such as living a meaningful life or becoming a healthier person and providing products, services, and an experience that helps them achieve their goals.

“The essence of customer value management is to deliver superior value and get an equitable return for it, both of which depend on value assessment”

-James C. Anderson and James A. Narus, Harvard Business Review

No longer is it adequate to simply offer an acceptable product or service. Your business has to offer a valuable experience from the first touch to post-purchase engagement that resonates with your customer’s values and pair it with a superior product or service compared to the market standard. One of the best ways to achieve this is by integrating valuable videos throughout the Buyer’s Journey, such as Educational Videos and Product Videos.

Using Educational Videos in Marketing

Educational video is quickly becoming a mainstream approach to value marketing. The reason behind this is because it can be used in almost every stage of the Buyer’s Journey. To give an example, let’s consider a hypothetical business that sells gold equipment.

Taking advantage of high traffic on YouTube and social media, a golf business that sells clubs, golf balls, tees, and more can leverage educational videos to help their consumers that are just getting into the sport by creating simple instructional videos like, “A Beginner’s Guide to Putting”. This is a helpful video for the viewer and is likely to be something they watch a few times and maybe share with their friends who are also getting into the sport. In this video, the golf business can have a pro show 5 simple tips and using the golf balls, clubs, and apparel that the business sells. Then, at the end of the video, the golf business could take 10 seconds to promo the gear and suggest more educational videos on their channel that also feature their gear. Getting the picture now?

This appraoch is incredibly powerful because your business is offering real value to your potential customers without asking for anything in return. However, it is also a platform to feature your gear in a medium that has already grasped their attention.

To get started with educational videos, learn how to reuse video content to get the most out of your investment and talk with a professional Guelph Videographer today.

Value Marketing with Product Videos

Product videos also offer a genuine way to connect with your customers and create value throughout the Buyer’s Journey. Pictures and text can help advertise products but they often fall short for products that offer many features and styles. It is important to visualize a product in a way that connects with viewers. Take, for example, a company that sells cooking products such as a crockpot and rotisserie. A picture of a crockpot is fine when paired with descriptive text, but it is very boring to read. Video, however, allows a viewer to see a roast cooking in the crockpot, hear the voice of an actor describing the functions of the unit, and a family enjoying the perfectly cooked end result; stories and features that sell.

Also, businesses that don’t participate in product videos are missing the sheer opportunity of being on a video-specific platform. What we mean by this is that you cannot put a picture and text of a product on Youtube, the second largest search engine in the world. This is a HUGE opportunity cost. By not putting your professional video content on YouTube and other video platforms your business is missing untold amolunts of exposure and sales, as well as depriving your potential customers of a great product video that adds value to their life (I’m exagerating a litte, but you get the point.)

Hire a Guelph Videographer for Value Marketing

Now that you know the importance of value marketing we recommend that you get started. Don’t worry about getting it right the first time because this approach can be a little complex but is well worth it in the end. However, to get a strong we recommend you speak with a professional Guelph Videographer.

If you are interested in learning more about top video tips & tricks, check out the daily video news page to learn more. Lastly, visit our services pages if you want to get started with educational videos and commercial product videos.

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