5 Videos Every Small Business Should Make

So, your business is looking for new ways to leverage video, but you’re not sure where to start? Not to worry, this is a common dilemma for many of our clients. Often, customers benefit from playing around with different video styles and types. However, we have found their are 5 main content pieces that provide the most value via video production for small businesses.

“The play button is the most compelling call to action on the web.”

Michael Litt, Co-Founder and CEO at Vidyard

We’ve outlined the 5 videos every business should make below with a brief description of each and how to get started.

Explainer Animated Videos

Explainer animated videos or “motion graphic videos” help businesses share a compelling story, educate their audience, and promote a product or service. Explainer animated videos for businesses tell a story by animating and arranging graphics, such as images, icons, and charts in a storyboard. This content usually adds music, sounds, and voiceovers to articulate a message and educate viewers.

Businesses often find it difficult to educate leads about products and services. This approach helps leads learn in a simple and entertaining way. Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) often prefer motion graphic videos because they can be a very hands-off project, especially if they hire a video production company.

Get started with explainer animated videos or learn more here.

Educational Videos

Educational videos are a key component to many businesses looking to introduce a new/unique product or service into a market. However, each and every business is responsible for telling their target audience what they do/sell and why they are the best choice compared to their competitors. This is where educational videos are key.

Sure, photos and text are good tools for telling a story or getting across a brief message (test ad) or long-form message (a blog like this one) but videos allow businesses to share complex ideas in a personal and virtually face-to-face method. There is a reason why commercials are popular or companies like Nike or HubSpot continuous create educational videos, they work.

Get started with educational videos here or learn more about them in this Top 5 Benefits of Using Educational Video article.

Testimonial Videos

Testimonial videos are a great way for businesses to gain credibility with their network by sharing their clients’ success stories. It is important for a business to tell their own story, but to be truly credible, leads need to hear it from a third party as well (or 50-100 other parties.)

“Customer testimonials placed alongside more expensive items increased conversion rates 380%”

Power Reviews

Every business should have a video or series of client testimonials that show leads that your customers really are happy with the service. Not only that, but clients who are involved in your business in a meaningful way are more likely to talk your business up, share their video testimonial to get beyond your own network and become a recurring customer in the future.

If your business is interested in shooting professional video testimonial, our team can help you here. Simply fill out this contact form and a member of our business will be in touch with you soon.

Product or Service Videos

Promoting your business can be difficult, especially in our digitally connected world. Every business is competing for consumer attention and it is becoming harder to stand out. Product and service video features allow businesses the opportunity to capture the attention of consumers in a way that photography and text ads just can’t. Product videos also offer a better way to get across your message. A photo can only show a product’s appearance, a video can demonstrate it’s use, and that’s a big difference.

“Videos force scrolling users to stop and pay an extra second of attention to the post before understanding the gist.”


Learn to stop consumers in a meaningful way with video production for small businesses. Nothing helps visualize that exciting new product or high-quality service like a well-produced video feature.

If your business is interested in producing a video for your products and services, we would love to help. Contact us for a free consultation today.

Influencer Videos

Last but not least, influencer videos can offer a powerful source of exposure to new consumers. Influencers, due to their large network of follower typically command a large amount of credibility amongst consumers and therefore offer a fast-tracked route to gaining credibility and loyalty with new leads.

There are many influencers in the digital world today and they vary from market to market. If your business wants to learn more about creating influencer videos to promote your brand, we would love to help!

Get Started with Video Production Today

Video production for small businesses is the best way to connect with consumers in an engaging, informative, and personable way and it doesn’t have to be a headache. At Cut Above Media, our goal is to help our clients tell their stories, and make creating video as simple and powerful as possible.

We would love the opportunity to chat with your business about how it could be leveraging video today, so let’s chat! Also, if you are interested in learning more about using video for small business, check out our video tips and tricks page for more helpful articles.

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